Our story
Together, we accelerate the transition towards renewable energy.
Germany is ready for the energy revolution. There is no lack of technology or ideas but bureaucracy is hindering the expansion of wind and solar systems.Planning and managing renewable energy should be easy. We want to enable companies to drive the energy revolution. Business models CO2-free energy world need to be easy to implement and digital. By bringing together data and automated processes, integrating interfaces, and enabling complex, new configurations, we give operators the ability to comprehensively evaluate, optimize and efficiently manage their projects themselves. With our software In this way, every company can generate renewable energy without risking the focus on its day-to-day business.
Our services
Unleash the potential of renewable energies and complete operation automatically
Minimally complex
Massive cost savings of up to 80% in energy management. Automatic - central - networked. The focus remains on core business.
Wirtschaftlichkeit steigern
Sie haben es im Griff. Alle Geschäftsmodelle der klimaneutralen Energiewirtschaft stehen Ihnen auf unserer Plattform offen. Ob Sie Strom einkaufen oder verkaufen, mit opti.node finden Sie immer die wirtschaftlichste Option.
Maximum legal security
Always up to date with the latest legal standards for maximum legal and audit security. Protection against loss of privileges or penalties.
Maximum economic
Professionally evaluate, implement and scale new business models. For maximum return.
The best data platform for renewable asset managers in Germany
Implement and drive projects forward.
Start the Revolution
Matthias Karger and Lars Rinn founded node.energy at the end of 2016. Since then, teamwork and sustainability have been our driving values.
Matthias Karger und Lars Rinn haben node.energy 2016 gegründet. Seither stehen Teamwork und Nachhaltigkeit bei uns an vorderster Stelle, um unsere Vision umzusetzen.
Our vision
Everyone can generate and share green energy to save costs and protect the climate.
Our values
Make complicated things simple
Advance sustainability
Economical and climate-friendly is possible
A true partner
Revolutionary thinking
We are a member of
A growing team
The node.energy management team consists of experienced industry experts of the energy sector and software development.
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