For our customers, energy is simply worth it

Higher and reliable revenues
Renewable power plant operators had two choices: hope for high prices at the volatile spot market or sell with a small margin at fixed prices. Now there is a third one! PPA-as-a-Service guarantees a fixed price for 1 to 3 years. For the entirety of your produced energy (“pay-as-produced”).
Optimize your economic potential
Reliable revenues
New business models
PPA-as-a-Service for you as a plant operator
Don't waste your energy – use it!
With PPA-as-a-Service, you can distribute your surplus electricity to other locations. To be used by your own company or sold to tenants. This not only maximizes the efficiency of your own PV system, but also creates more independence from the volatile energy market.
The business model of the future
Our services at a glance
PPA-as-a-Service provides operators with a new and economical business model. Simple, transparent and future-proof.
- Analysis of your energy production profile
- Professional processing of electricity supplies, including energy-related tasks
- Searching for and arranging suitable consumers
- Marketing surplus quantities and taking over residual electricity supplies to consumers
- Support in price finding and preparation of contract documents
- Management of guarantees of origin
Rely on us! We are the market leader for digital business models for renewables.
Would you like to purchase green energy directly?
Low-cost and climate-neutral energy via PPAs
PPA for businesses
Are you a consumer? Do you want to supply your company with up to 100% green electricity — and at permanently cheaper conditions than with a traditional electricity supplier?
Unser Expertenwissen für Sie
Got your attention?
Register now!
Please fill out the following form if you would like to register an individual investment for a PPA matching. If you want to register multiple systems, please use our practical spreadsheet template.
We will contact you when we have suitable consumers for your system.